Welcome to yoniversum!

It’s a pleasure to have you here.


What is yoniversum?

Yoniversum is a conscious, sex and body positive space for transformational self-exploration and healing. We believe that pleasure can help us liberate ancient pain, understanding our sexual energy as the channel to all life force. Therefore, holistic health and trauma awareness are important keys of our work ethic. Through methods of sexological bodywork, ecstatic dance, kundalini tantra, chamanic journeys, ovaric breathing, pelvic activation, spiritual release practices and mindful self-touch, we offer a way out of old shame into an expansive sexual wellbeing. Our mission is to give you self-empowering tools to deepen your connection with yourself and strengthen your ability for assertive communication of your boundaries and desires to foster healthy, consensual relationships.


Sexualberatung, Paartherapie, Frauenkreise und achtsame Selbsterfahrung


The Memories of Our Womb

Our connection with our mother is deep and affects how we live. Growing up in a male-dominated society, we carry wounds from our mothers, often without realizing it. It's important to free ourselves from these stuck memories and confront the pain of not fully accepting our mothers. Yoniversum supports women's empowerment by helping us reconnect our bodies and hearts. Through therapy, awareness, and shamanic practices, we strengthen our pelvis, yoni, and voice. This helps us express both pain and joy, healing old memories of hurt through conscious creation, sex magic, and rituals.

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May Orgasms be with you.


The extent to which we feel our pain, is the extent to which we feel our pleasure.

Juliet Allen


Make Pleasure Your Prayer

Pleasure is an authentic mirror of how we show up in life – where we give ourselves permission, act freely and where we censure ourselves. Pleasure is power. Both the church and patriarchy know that, because they fear pleasure. If we dare to feel the power of Pleasure, it can actually be the doorway to true transformation. It can help us heal our deepest trauma, liberate our personal growth and revitalize our creativity. When we allow Pleasure to blossom in our lives, turning it into a sacred practice… When we make pleasure our prayer – we can live on wings of orgasmic bliss.

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Self-Heal — Duty of a Dragoness

My Grandmother used to say to me: “Child, heal yourself!”

By healing the memories we hold in our womb, our memorias uterinas, we heal our minds and thoughts of false beliefs. We free them from that imbalance to touch our deepest essence, which we only reach through emotions, through feeling, including all the senses, the smell, the touch, the sound, the taste and the gaze. In this way we will stop holding the others responsible to care for us, pleasure us and fill up our cup. Instead, we learn to bring home that pleasure by starting to create our lives from our true inner reality that is the balance between our thinking and our feeling. By healing our ancestry, we learn to come back into our yoni and our heart.


Crystals can be powerful tools to help us do the energetic work of releasing the feminine shadow, traveling through the tunnels of our Darkness into the most intimate truth that dwells in our sexuality.

Ana Silvia Serrano
