Hola Amor,


I believe our Purpose as Humans is to celebrate that which brought us here: Sexual Life Force. Yes, that’s the path of the brave. And fuck yes, it is also the one most worth fighting for.

Mother, Father, Pleasure, Patriarchy. The legacy of our existence reaches deep. When we start to mobilise the guilt and shame surrounding our sexual nature we heal not only ourselves, we free our entire family tree.

May this be a sacred space where you find the safety to unearth the pain of your ancestry that is no longer yours. It’s an honour to guide you on this journey. Let’s dare a look at the glory that awaits you on the other side of Self.



Hey Goddess,

Welcome to yoniversum, the Sacred Temple where together we unearth our pain & heal our pleasure.

Yoniversum, the Cosmos of Yoni: Yoni is an ancient Sanskrit term for the female genitals –vulva, vagina, ovaries and uterus– and means sacred space or sacred temple. I came across the term two years ago, when I had my first Yoni Yoga class. I didn’t know what Yoni Yoga was then, nor what to expect. Interestingly my body knew, beaming with anxiety of something big about to happen. It was the start of my female healing process and I cried. Because I knew, there was so much more work to do, deeply painful work.. Coming from a wounded mother-daughter-line dating back generations into my female ancestry, I had lived with belief systems of not being worthy of a dignified treat as a woman.

“The extend to which we feel our pain, is the extend to which we feel our pleasure. ”


In daily life, I was walking with a mix of shame, guilt and anger infested in my body, manipulating lovers and all other relationships in order not to be abandoned, to be loved. Yet I was thinking that being loved meant making myself little, endure suffering and I harvested co-dependend, destructive relationships. So I decided to confront this pain that had stolen my inner peace. I found it in the reconnection with nature, with medicinal plants, with wise women, in looking at the relationship with my mother and, in starting to own my –abra cadabra– SEX. I found that my pain and my pleasure were invisible mirrors and I realized that I had to go deep.

“No other relationship has the power to limit or liberate us as the one we have with our mother.”


What if we were not to blame?

What if some 5000 years ago we were colonized by a system of overpowering oppression? What if the latent pain You may have felt deep inside at times, was not even Yours? What if it got instilled in You as the relict of an ancestral heritage, carried out by Your mother, and before her, her mother and before her, her mother, etc.? You think that is crazy? I sure thought it was. And then the walls of patriarchal betrayal started crumbling down: In a fatefully shocking discovery alongside the war in Ukraine, I tapped into the legacy of Lithuanian archeologist Marija Gimbutas who basically signify a pre-patriarchal culture.

“Breasts, Buttox and Vulva are the signs of the Goddess Creatress.”


The Civilization of the Goddess —Gimbutas’ vast excavations of female figurines all across the European continent hit the nail on the head: They showed that the old civilizations in Europe, China, Tibet, the Near East and Latin America were in all probability civilizations of the Goddess. My whole body was singing. A flash of ideas rushed through my body, connecting it all in a second— this was political sh*t and there was a reason it had not reached me. Until then. What Gimbutas had proved – and what she was unsurprisingly mocked & criticized for by the male science elite, was the evidence of a time when women and men successfully coexisted on an equal footing, for thousands of years. She proved the senselessness of the patriarchal system. From there on, I decided to get serious (as my last name!) and to wake up, so I could help awaken our Goddesses, both in their dark and in their light, to heal from the old wounds of patriarchy- that was the idea from which Yoniversum was born.


I am a pleasure activist, sexual counsellor and couples therapist in training, a lucid dreamer, a tarot medium, photographer, crystal wand producer, writer & founder of yoniversum. I lead conscious self-pleasure practices, online and in person rituals for self-love and manifestation, as well as transformative group containers for healing the Mother Wound (soon online). I am based between Europe & Mexico.

Mini Me <3


Release of Ritual, Semodi ft. La Grandiosa

Birth our first sonic baby, "Ritual," – captivating fusion of tribal pulsating beats and melodies and prayers of healing, move your booody

Listen here


Meine Omi,

Ora et Labora.


Me, in my Aztec Life

My Goddesses