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It’s a pleasure to have you here.
It’s a pleasure to have you here.
Yoniversum is a conscious, sex and body positive space for transformational self-exploration and healing. We believe that pleasure can help us liberate ancient pain, understanding our sexual energy as the channel to all life force. Holistic health and integrative trauma awareness are important keys of our work ethic.
For couples who wish to embody their pleasure awareness, giving and receiving wholeheartedly.
Yoniversum supports women's* and men’s* empowerment by helping us reconnect our bodies and hearts. Through therapy, awareness and shamanic practices, we strengthen our pelvis, Yoni, Lingam and voice. This helps us express both pain and joy, healing old memories of pain through conscious creation, sex magic, and rituals.
For men who wish to deepen their physical and emotional presence through sexo-spiritual practice.
For women who wish to embody, surrender, embrace their sensuality by awakening their erotic wisdom.
By unveiling the sexual shadow we open op to the possibility of healing our wounds of the past, including the ones from our ancestry, and slowly are reborn from a place of worthiness, pleasure and abundance. Starting to create our lives from that inner truth is the key to embrace the very balance between our thinking and our feeling – returning to our yoni & lingam —and our heart.
Juliet Allen
The use of Obsidiana is an ancient medicinal tradition from Latin America and China. In spite of its recognized healing qualities, we should not assume that inserting Obsidiana in our yoni or anus will automatically heal all our suffering, yet, deep work with Obsidiana through psychosomatic exploration with ourselves based on the energetic flow of the Chakras, Meditation, Manifestation, Conscious Self-Pleasure Practice can provide us channels to sexual, psychosomatic and spiritual health.